API Design: Modifying Defaults

This is a quick note on a API Design. I hope to make this an ongoing series.

Problem Statement

Often you want to provide a default preset for user convenience:

// library-land
const defaultExtensions = ['.md', '.mdx', '.markdown']
export function myPlugin({ extensions = defaultExtensions }) {
  // use extensions

The cost of this is that the user has to retype whatever is in the default if they just want to add something:

// user-land
const myConfig = [
  myPlugin({ extensions: ['.md', '.mdx', '.markdown', '.mdsvex'] })

This is a trivial example so it doesnt seem like a big lift, but consider a more complicated set of defaults:

// library-land
// complex set of imports and code for getExt1/2/3()
export async function myPlugin({ extensions }) {
  if (!extensions) {
    extensions = await Promise.all([getExt1(), getExt2(), getExt3()])
  // use extensions

Now the user has to do:

// user-land
// complex set of imports and code for getExt1/2/3()
// unavoidable imports and code for thingIWantedToAdd()
;(async function() {
  let extensions = await Promise.all([
  const myConfig = [await myPlugin({ extensions })]

Bad Solution

I was recently tempted to save the user some of that pain by providing a modifier API instead of a replacement API:

// library-land
// complex set of imports and code for getExt1/2/3()
export async function myPlugin({ modifyExtensions }) {
  let extensions = await Promise.all([getExt1(), getExt2(), getExt3()])
  if (modifyExtensions) extensions = await modifyExtensions(extensions)
  // use extensions

so you can append on to it cheaply:

// user-land
// NO NEED for imports and code for getExt1/2/3()
// unavoidable imports and code for thingIWantedToAdd()
const myConfig = [
    async modifyExtensions(defaultExtensions) {
      return [...defaultExtensions, await thingIWantedToAdd()]

However inserting in-place can be hard (made easier with immer), and you’re not really saving the user from having to think about what’s included in the defaultExtensions.

The word “modify” also requires more documentation and is a place for users to shoot themselves in the foot with expensive operations that may be called multiple times

Better Solution

Export BOTH the function and its defaults and defer execution of async effects:

// library-land
export const defaultExtensions = [getExt1(), getExt2(), getExt3()]
export function myPlugin({ extensions = defaultExtensions }) {
  let usedExtensions = await Promise.all(extensions)
  // use extensions

so they can be freely and cheaply combined:

// user-land
// NO NEED for imports and code for getExt1/2/3()
// unavoidable imports and code for thingIWantedToAdd()
import { defaultExtensions, myPlugin } from 'my-library'
const myConfig = [
    extensions: [...defaultExtensions, thingIWantedToAdd()]

This way, it is pretty intuitive how to supply the array instead of modify the array, and the surface area of execution is smaller.

That’s where I am at right now in terms of plugin design.

Tagged in: #tech #api design #dx

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